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Helen Richardson

What experience do you bring to The Advocacy Project?

“I bring extensive experience in strategic business and change management gained from working in a range of organisations from small private companies to large, global organisations including KPMG & JP Morgan. Often my role as a program manager brought together multiple functions from technology, finance, operations, legal and compliance to ensure quality client service and drive global business opportunities.

I have worked mainly in the UK but also spent a number of years based in Singapore and Hong Kong.  I bring problem solving skills across a wide range of disciplines and am adept at working with diverse perspectives.

On a personal note, I have supported a close family member with long standing mental health problems through their experiences in acute psychiatric care and my parents who both developed dementia in old age.  My experience navigating mental health and social care services confirmed my belief that advocacy services are an essential component to ensure that the voice of those in need is heard and their dignity is upheld.”

What do you like about being on the Board of Trustees?

“I value the contributions of all trustees and their diverse backgrounds, I especially like the inclusion of former Service Users as full board members.  The commitment of all trustees to their role and to the success of the organisation as judged by the delivery of quality services to those who need them, is admirable and evident in all meetings.”

What do you do in your spare time?

“I enjoy spending time with my husband and teenage son and meeting up with friends and other family.  Hobbies include film photography and print making.  I’m also a school governor, enjoy I swimming and practice yoga.”